Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I just need to Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m still here, Just have not had much going on to blog about. Last Thursday night we went and picked Johnny, Laura and the boys from the airport. They are headed to Mexico for Johnny’s 40th birthday.
The boys Nicholas
and Shane (AKA The Chunk)
are staying with us. Deb’s mom and sister came down to spend the week with the boys.

We also got the snow on Sunday. It started snowing about noon and kept going on very heavy till Nine thirty. We had a good 4 inches in the morning. Our thought was the boys will love the snow. They are from Canada... they are tired of the snow.
I had to go out of town on Monday. I spent the night on Columbus. They even had a few inches that far south. When I got home we still have some on the ground. That is the longest I remember snow hanging around.


Peggie said...

Cute kid!! We still have some snow on the ground too, and I told Steve the same thing..... Usually the snow comes and goes in a day or two. It's been here for THREE whole days now!!! Feel like we're back in Syracuse??? (Not quite)

Good to hear from you again.

Love ya!!!

Katie said...

Glad you're back to blogging!! You should bring the boys here... It's getting into the 80's in the afternoons here... and it's bright and sunny!! :)

Sue said...

As I drove to work I passed lots of snowmen in various stages of melting. It was a great snow experience.
Love your photos.

JP2E said...

I plan to post some snow pictures soon. We had a nice cover on sunday and monday...

Big Jim said...

Good to hear from you again. Let get this straight, you get out of town company and you leave town Seems like a good plan to me.

CShore said...

Man, I need to blog too. Looks like a good time was had by all. I'm looking forward to our trip, see you then.