Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Time

Seems like just the other day I posted a fall picture of the same trees. Only March and I have had to cut the lawn already. We have had rain for the last two days and more tomorrow. I am picking up an aerator in the morning and useing it on Sunday. I’ll hit the yard with some weed + feed then some seed and I’m done for a while.

I have a trade show in Las Vegas this week. It is the “Car Care Expo”. It is the biggest show we do each year. All the new and big things in our industry are shown here. One thing I know will be shown is an automatic wash for motorcycles. My company will be the distributor for it in Georgia. In this day and age we need all the new products we can get our hands on. I’ll talk to all of you next week.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Time to blog again

We had a great time this weekend. Steve has been training Dixie and wanted to see if she could hunt quail. We had talked Chris about going for some time and since the season ends this month, we finally were all able to make it. Peg had plans at home so it was just going to be a guy’s weekend, but her friend could not make it and she came to spend some time with mom and pop. It worked out for everyone.
We got over to Circle W in Heflin Alabama about 8:00am Saturday. The fellow who runs the preserve did not have much faith in Dixie. Chris and I had no idea what to expect,
but Steve was sure she was ready. Dixie showed all of us she was a hunting dog. We were in a field that was between 15 and 20 acres and covered all of it and found the birds.

She may not have retrieved to hand but, she got them back to us from some very long distances. Steve was even able to call her back when we missed one. That is a real trick.

The weather was perfect in the high 50’s and low 60’s and that helped keep the dog going. Heat is one of the things that hurt a dog in the field.

When we were done Chris headed back to Tenn. and Steve and I came back to Covington. Mom and dad brought Peggie down and we all went to dinner. Like I said it was a great day.

This morning Peg and Steve headed to the Shores to visit then head home. Back to work in the morning.
PS. Steve took the pictures but I bloged first. Ha Ha Ha!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I just need to Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m still here, Just have not had much going on to blog about. Last Thursday night we went and picked Johnny, Laura and the boys from the airport. They are headed to Mexico for Johnny’s 40th birthday.
The boys Nicholas
and Shane (AKA The Chunk)
are staying with us. Deb’s mom and sister came down to spend the week with the boys.

We also got the snow on Sunday. It started snowing about noon and kept going on very heavy till Nine thirty. We had a good 4 inches in the morning. Our thought was the boys will love the snow. They are from Canada... they are tired of the snow.
I had to go out of town on Monday. I spent the night on Columbus. They even had a few inches that far south. When I got home we still have some on the ground. That is the longest I remember snow hanging around.