That bad boy you see there is going to be the first. I see some white bread, mayo, salt and pepper in our future. This is my second try at growing tomatoes. In 2005 I planted some then I had my crash and could not tend to them. I spent $40 and had 1 tomato the size of a grape. this time I have 2 plants and have about 20 good ones growing at this time. Will they gust keep producing all summer or is there a limit on each plant?
Not much going on with us this week. Deb picked up Sidney on Monday and we put her on a flight to Canada on Tuesday. We love to have her visit. Saturday we are going to a cook out at Dan and LaFaye’s house. They have a Wi and we are going to play some games. We will be over to mom and dad’s on Sunday morning for father’s day. I hope to see some of you there.
Good to see Peg this week. Nice to see ya visit just for the heck of it. I guess that’s it for now.
I did the math; That single grape-size tomato works out at about $90 per pound.
Now all you need is a market niche'...
I considered trying my hand at growing my own tomatoes... Now with the diseased ones taking over, I really wish I had... SMART MOVE!! :)
It was great to see you and everyone else this weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to make more impromptu visits in the future. Your maters look great. If the plants keep producing and you have too many, you can certainly bring us a few when you come here in July!!! Talk to you soon. Love ya!!
I know all the bunnies, gerbels, and squirrels would love it if I grew a garden. They simply adore our pecan tree. We have never enjoyed ONE PECAN but there is evidence that they really love them. Nothing beats a good homegrown tomato - I shall have to find a way to grow my own.
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