Saturday, June 21, 2008

just my weekly Blog

This picture is one that surfaced when Peg was rounding pictures for my birthday book. ( I think from Jim) I do not remember seeing it before, but I remember the trip. It was simmer of 1977 or 78. Larry Duckett ( Red Head), Tom Basile (Dennis’s brother in-law) Jeff Anderson (A friend of the our neighbor) We went up to the Appellation Trail for a week long hike. One thing I remember was we hiked over to Brasstown Bald. It is the highest point in Ga. Jeff, who was always gun ho, wanted to go to the top and back down before we made camp that day. The rest of us were not so sure. He started up and we were debating what we were going to do when an old man and his wife in a Buick 225 came and offered us a ride up to the top. The three of us got in and waved at Jeff as we went by. The old guy did stop about a quarter of a mile up the road and picked him up. We did walk down and made camp. If it not for this picture I may have forgotten that entire trip. Great old memories.

Talk to you later.


CShore said...

Sounds like a good time was had by all!

JP2E said...

I sent Peg that picture. I also sent along the others from that same time frame with the guys and cars. I took the photo as y'all were setting out for the trip. If you recall I was the driver who dropped you off and picked you up again...

Peggie said...

I'm glad I was able to stir up some of your old memories. We really did have a great upbringing, didn't we??? Can't wait to see you guys in a week or so. Talk to you soon. Love ya!!

Sue said...

I love photos because they always bring back those cherished memories.

Anonymous said...

Good words.

Anonymous said...
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