We are asked not to judge all Islamic people by the actions of a few radicals, yet
the Islamic world is threatening all Americans over one radical preacher that wants to burn a Koran in Florida. Our president and 99.9% of all Americans have denounced this action yet the peaceful religion of Islam threatens our people and country. I believe both the Imam and the Preacher have the right to do what they want but, if they were the men of God each claims to be they would do what is right.
We are still the greatest country in the world. Our current administration does not believe in the type of defence that made us the only remaining super power in the world. In the words of Ronald Reagan " Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same."
America is the protector of much of the world and financially support most of it. We are taken for granted mocked for our efforts. I don't care if we are respected out of need or fear but it is time we demand the respect we deserve. I know I am preaching to the choir but every once in a while I need to let it out.
Please take this day to remember all who have sacrificed for out freedom. God bless America and all who protect and defend it.
Very well put!! I hope we never forget what happened that day!!
Amen, brother. Maybe someone will pray for a true answer and avoid the danger of what might happen if both sides continue their foolishness...
Thank you for sharing.... A very moving post... GOD BLESS THE USA!!!
Don't judge all Islamics based on a few. So far, it seems like the 'few' represent the majority.
Well put Bill & Chris
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