Monday, August 10, 2009

Haven't had much to blog about lately, so I just wanted to let everyone know Deb and I are doing well. We have both been working a bunch, and Deb has been out of town some. She took her mom up to Tennessee when she got home from Canada and called on a customer up there. Too weeks later she went to a family reunion in Louisiana.

It has been to hot to ride the motorcycle so I have been working around house and relaxing. I pressure washed and sealed the deck two weeks ago and took my grill apart to clean and replace some parts this weekend.

Like I said not much going on, we are looking forward to seeing Katie, Bryan amd Maddy next week. Talk to you all soon, Bill


CShore said...

That's alot going on for not much happening.

Big Jim said...

With not much going on, it's good to relax a bit and do the things you want.

Peggie said...

Life just keeps on happening all around us, doesn't it?? "Nothing going on" doesn't ever really mean "Nothing". There's always "something" going on....

Thanks for sharing.

Love ya!!

Sue said...

Debbie is a traveling gal.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.